Mocarstwa anglosaskie wobec sprawy Katynia 1943–1946

Grzegorz Mazur


Making an announcement of uncovering mass tombs of Polish officers in Katyn by Germans 13 April 1943 had one fundamental purpose: to cause as the greatest dissonances in the anti-Nazi coalition, to lead to the crisis in relationships between Anglo-Saxons and the USSR. Germany left Anglo-Saxons in a difficult position into this way, but not looking at oneself for business of Poland, independently of, how
they were in coalition defined, two principal powers of the Large Coalition, Great Britain and the USA, weren’t going to disrupt further leading the war with the III Crowd in no way. The matter of the Katyn felony could not influence in that time
for her run. In rich literature about the Katyn felony and her results the issue of the attitude of the great powers to this matter already waited until broad elaboration, we will try here above all for reminding and tidying up facts, in the majority already known.

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